Monday, February 3, 2014

VoS-GUAA Spring Picnic - March 8, 2014

The Valley of the Sun chapter of the Gallaudet University Alumni Association is having its Spring Picnic on March 8, 2014 at the Rio Vista Community Park in Peoria.

Meet the new VoS-GUAA Officers, enjoy the food, the fun, and the social! And share this announcement with your friends!

Note: RSVP no later than February 28 to save $2.00!! RSVP by completing and detaching the bottom part of flyer and sending it with your payment to Dick Leon at the address provided.

We look forward to seeing you at the picnic!
And, if you haven't already paid your 2014 VoS-GUAA membership, attached is a form you can fill out and send along with your picnic RSVP.

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